Press Statement by the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguín Cuéllar
In this second visit, I had the opportunity to meet with the two leaders, as well as with political parties, city mayors, chambers of commerce, journalists, religious leaders, associations, think tanks, and civil society representatives. I have listened to all points of view and perspectives to better understand the main difficulties and opportunities.
At times it seems that all the paths have been tried and that change is not possible. However, there are always voices that reveal the resilience of societies that dream of a different life and that show that hope is a necessity and an obligation.
The past brings memories of pain and frustration, but also provide us lessons to help build the future and achieve solutions for the benefit of all Cypriots. How good it would be for everyone to connect with the individual and collective opportunities that a change would bring, thus transforming the hardships of the past into the foundation for a sustainable future.
My mission is to identify if there is common ground to engage both sides towards finding a sustainable solution. In the remaining months, I am willing and committed to continuing my best efforts to fulfill the UN Secretary-General's request.